Would the real God please stand up

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One of the arguments that is much abused by both sides of the Christian debate is what Richard Dawkins would term “The argument from personal incredulity” – it usually starts with the phrase “I can’t believe that the true God would …” or something to that effect.

My usual response is “No, I don’t believe in your god either”. Frankly, the God I believe in isn’t so easily defined by human expectations and is certainly not constrained by human imagination!

So next time you find yourself saying “If God exists then He would never stand by while this tragedy happened” or “Everything in the bible must be true because God would never let His Word be corrupted by human hands” remember that God doesn’t need to measure up to your yardstick – He is His own ultimate measure of perfection, for which I am truly thankful.

New beginnings (Gospelaires edition)

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Tonight I am due to lead the prayers at Gospelaires, so I have reworked my reflection this morning:

With the beginning of a New Year I wanted to take the opportunity to think about New Beginnings.  Many people across the world will be yearning for a new start to some aspect of their life, making New Year’s resolutions – breaking New Year’s resolutions.  Many resolutions will be focused on self-improvement: eat less; drink less; exercise more – gym owners up and down the country will be rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of new customers who will hand over their bank details and never set foot again in the gym.  Other resolutions will be focusing on relationships with others: spending more time with partners; family; mending fences with neighbours.

As Christians, through Jesus’ death and resurrection we are given a new start every day for no other reason than God’s outrageous grace and unending love for us.  But Paul reminds us that this “wipe-the-slate-clean” is not an excuse to continue in our old sinful ways – it is a once in a lifetime invitation to walk with God.  Unlike New Year’s resolutions, it is not about what we want to do, or promising to do a few things we can – God wants no less than the whole of our lives; he demands that we do ALL we can to live the life He intends for us.

In thinking about new beginnings, I was reminded of a poem that really spoke to me a few years ago when I was in quite a difficult place: I had a young family; my wife had serious post-natal depression that was completely debilitating and one of the few pleasures we were able to share was reading poetry together.  Mary Oliver’s “The Journey” spoke to both of us very powerfully:

New beginnings

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With the beginning of a new year comes the desire of many people to make a fresh start in some aspect of their lives.  Some resolutions focus on self-improvement e.g. losing weight, reducing alcohol consumption, reading more, whilst others focus on our relationship with others e.g. spending more time with a partner or one’s family.

My encouragement for everyone in the new year would be to seek the truth, whatever that may be and wherever that may lead.

For Christians that truth is in Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection represents the ultimate in wiping the slate clean, so that we can begin a new life with God.

I wish you all an enlightening and fulfilling 2013.

Welcome to xianity.me

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It’s good to see you here on xianity.me.  The aim of this site is to record reflections on what Christianity means to each of us, so please feel free to contribute.  At present the site is just starting so please bear with me as I kick it into shape.

Ultimately, my vision is that the site will contain testimonies from Christians and non-Christians, reflections from me, as well as a space to debate issues around Christianity.  I want to promote intelligent thoughtful debate, so whilst you are free to disagree with me and others who may contribute to this blog, please do so respectfully!

Finally, I know some readers will dislike the use of xianity rather than Christianity so here are a few points to pre-empt those comments:

1.  This was the highest level and most appropriate domain name I could find.
2.  The great Christian apologist C.S. Lewis uses “xianity” in place of “Christianity” in his personal letters.
3.  It’s shorter and quirky so might be just the thing for the web.
4.  At the very least the word “Christ” is replaced by an “x” symbolising the empty cross.

I hope you find your relationship with xianity.me to be interesting, thought-provoking and spiritually stimulating.

With love and best wishes in Christ,
